Sometimes we go through difficult circumstances. But isn’t it a miracle that as time passes, we find something beautiful in the difficult times? When we realize that on the difficult path we have seen the stars, we have passed seas and oceans, we have seen the northern lights, sunrises and sunsets, doldrums and storms, we have given up and refused to give up and become seekers and finders. After all, what we are and what we like about us at the moment is the result of the difficulties we have gone through. I want every difficult path and every difficulty to turn into beautiful memories and juicy fruits in its time.
The table is made of old broad walnut and epoxy in beautiful marine colors. Coated with a glossy hard lacquer for durability and carefully polished to look perfect.
Dimensions:Height: 30 in (76.2 cm)Width: 48 in (121.92 cm)Depth: 96 in (243.84 cm)
Style:Arts and Crafts(Of the Period)
Materials and Techniques:ResinSteelWalnutBrushed,Hand-CraftedLacquered,Metalwork,Polished,Welded,Woodwork
Place of Origin:Ukraine
Period:21st Century
Date of Manufacture:2022
Production Type:New & Custom(One of a Kind)
Estimated Production Time:Available Now
Seller Location:København N, DK
Reference Number:Seller: LU8734234386922
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